“A day will come when you, France; you, Russia; you, Italy; you, England; you, Germany; all you nations of the continent, without losing your distinct qualities and glorious individuality, will merge into a higher unity and found the European brotherhood.”
Victor Hugo, 1849
From Victor Hugo's far-sighted idea of 1849, through the speeches of Churchill, Blum and Schuman, to the statements of Kohl, Havel and Gorbachev, the growing vision of Europe is presented in this text containing excerpts from over sixty speeches of the world's greatest statesmen to the Council of Europe. It also contains a detailed chronology.
This book will be of interest to historians and all those interested in the formation and growth of a greater Europe.
Listen to the Voices of Europe here
Preface by Daniel Tarschys
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Preface by Leni Fischer
President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Léon Blum, Vice-President of the Conseil de la République française,
Bold and eager, 8 August 1949
Edouard Herriot, Provisional President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, President of the French National Assembly,
The First Sitting, 10 August 1949
Winston Churchill, Chairman of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1940-45 and 1951-55),
Europe against tyranny, 12 August 1949
The force of the spirit, 17 August 1949
Léopold Sédar Senghor, member of the French National Assembly (President of the Republic of Senegal, 1960-80),
The common good, 26 August 1949
Paul Reynaud, Minister for Finance of the French Republic (President of the Conseil de la République française, 1940)
Federal state or confederation?, 9 August 1950
A three-storey house, 9 August 1950
Robert Schuman, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the French Republic,
A supranational authority, 10 August 1950
Winston Churchill, Chairman of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1940-45 and 1951-55),
For a unified European army, 11 August 1950
Guy Mollet, Secretary General of the SFIO (the French section of the Worker’s International)
True courage, 18 August 1950
Harold MacMillan, Chariman of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1957-63)
Doubts, difficulties, hesitations, 24 November 1950
Alcide De Gasperi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy
Defending a greater fatherland, 10 December 1951
Paul-Henri Spaak, President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe
Suicidal moderation, 11 December 1951
Konrad Adenauer, Federal Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
Little Europe and greater Europe, 20 May 1954
Heinrich von Brentano, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
Détente through German reunification, 18 April 1956
Pierre Pflimlin, President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe
The people’s wishes, 3 May 1965
Harlod Wilson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Europe without sacrifice, 23 January 1967
Willy Brandt, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
“A certain weariness”, 13 May 1969
Edgar Faure, Minister for Education of the French Republic
Culturally speaking a citizen of Europe, 1 October 1969
Angie Brooks, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations and Under-Secretary of State for Liberia
Building a bridge between Europe and Africa, 20 April 1970
Edward Heath, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
From the old world a new voice, 21 January 1972
Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel
At what price the fight against terrorism?, 1 October 1973
Alain Poher, Acting President of the French Republic
Lighting the homes fires of love, 6 May 1974
Françoise Giroud, French Secretary of State for Women
A womanʼs Europe, 30 September 1974
Giovanni Spadolini, Italian Minister for the Cultural Heritage
Culture – the religion of freedom, 24 January 1975
Bruno Kreisky, Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria
A political forum for North-South dialogue, 5 May 1976
Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Europe as a political moral code, 27 April 1978
Dom Mintoff, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malta
The political soul of Europe, 28 September 1978
Adolfo Suárez, President of Spain
Europe is too small for Europeans to live apart, 31 January 1979
Lord Hailsham of Saint Marylebone, Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom
The “L” factor, 5 October 1979
Moshe Dayan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Israel
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Egypt
The challenge of peace, 10 October 1979
Robert Badinter, French Minister for Justice
Individuals, subjects of international law, 2 October 1981
Karl Carstens, President of the Federal Republic of Germany
The law of the people at the service of the individual, 26 January 1983
Sandro Pertini, President of the Republic of Italy
Land of the setting sun, 27 April 1983
Felipe González, President of Spain
A humanist Europe, 31 January 1984
Ramalho Eanes, President of the Republic of Portugal
Democracy and development, 9 May 1984
Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
“The heralds of hope”, 28 January 1986
His Holiness Pope John Paul II
A desire for peace and understanding, 8 October 1988
François Mitterrand, President of the French Republic
The Council of Europe, guardian of freedoms, 5 May 1989
Mikhaïl Gorbachev, President of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The common European home, 6 July 1989
Turgut Özal, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey
A common democratic home, 27 September 1989
Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
What Europe for the year 2000?, 30 January 1990
Georges Vassiliou, President of the Republic of Cyprus
A European confederation, 31 January 1990
Catherine Lalumière, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe and the edification of the greater Europe, 28 February 1990
Edward Shevardnadze, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union,
Towards the end of the division of Europe, 4 March 1990
Václav Havel, President of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
The power of dreaming, 10 May 1990
Zhelyu Zhelev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria
Slavonic genius, European genius, 31 January 1991
Constantin Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Greek Republic
Fighting for freedom with bare hands, 23 April 1991
Francesco Cossiga, President of the Republic of Italia
The moral requirements of freedom, 24 April 1991
Flavio Cotti, President of the Swiss Confederation
The Europe of concentric circles, 20 September 1991
Lech Walesa, President of the Republic of Poland
An appeal to the West, 4 February 1992
François Mitterand, President of the French Republic
The great idea of the greater Europe, 4 May 1992
Jószef Antall, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
Geographic, cultural and spiritual union, 30 June 1992
Lord Owen, Co-chairman of the International Conference on Peace in the Former Yugoslavia
Is Europe witnessing another holocaust?, 3 October 1992
Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
German unity, European unity, 2 February 1993
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway
In praise of universal tolerance, 4 February 1993
Vigdis Finnbogadóttir, President of the Republic of Iceland
Unity through diversity, 28 September 1993
Vienna Declaration
Towards a vast area of democratic security, 9 October 1994
Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel
The road to peace across Europe, 28 January 1994
Yasser Arafat, President of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
The peace of the brave, 13 April 1994
Mary Robinson, President of the Republic of Ireland
Europe’s “fifth province”, 29 June 1994
Daniel Tarschys, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Inclusion is better than exclusion, 4 October 1994
Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic
Going into Europe with our eyes open, 29 June 1995
King Hussein of Jordan
A Euro-Jordanian partnership, 25 September 1995
Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
“I believe in Europe”, 28 September 1995
Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine
The many dimensions of security, 23 April 1996
“A day will come when you, France; you, Russia; you, Italy; you, England; you, Germany; all you nations of the continent, without losing your distinct qualities and glorious individuality, will merge into a higher unity and found the European brotherhood.”
Victor Hugo, 1849
From Victor Hugo's far-sighted idea of 1849, through the speeches of Churchill, Blum and Schuman, to the statements of Kohl, Havel and Gorbachev, the growing vision of Europe is presented in this text containing excerpts from over sixty speeches of the world's greatest statesmen to the Council of Europe. It also contains a detailed chronology.
This book will be of interest to historians and all those interested in the formation and growth of a greater Europe.
Listen to the Voices of Europe here
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