1 Executive summary
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Categories included in the calculation of the share of European works
1.3 Assessment of the eligible nationality of AV works
1.4 Nationality of AV works and discriminatory measures
1.5 Nationality of AV works and co-productions
1.6 Labelling in metadata
1.7 Cooperation between national regulatory authorities and film agencies
2 Methodology and structure of the mapping report 3 Comparative legal analysis
3.1 Setting the scene
3.2 Definitions
3.2.1 Audiovisual works
3.2.2 Cinematographic works
3.2.3 Domestic works
3.2.4 European works
3.3 Categories included in the calculation of the share of European works
3.4 Reporting on compliance with obligations related to European works
3.5 European works and discriminatory measures
3.6 Co-production and European works
3.7 Labelling in metadata of AV content
3.8 Cooperation of relevant institutions
4 Stakeholders, identifiers and databases
4.1 Experiences from the industry
4.1.1 Main difficulties and common practices
4.1.2 The use of metadata in the labelling of AV content
4.2 Ways of assessing the nationality of film and audiovisual works
4.2.1 Standard identifiers and databases
4.3 Conclusions
5 National legal summariesFigures
Figure 1. Definition of “Audiovisual works”
Figure 2. Definition of “cinematographic works”
Figure 3. Definition of “Domestic works”
Figure 4. Definition of “European works”
Table 1. Overview of existence of relevant definitions
Table 2. Overview of the scope of national legislations in comparison to the AVMSD provisions
Table 3. Overview of national practices in the assessment of AV works
Table 4. Overview of national practices in relation to works subject to discriminatory measures
Table 5. Overview of national practices in relation to AV co-productions
Table 6. National practices in relation to labelling in metadata
Table 7. Identification of the national body in charge of compliance and cooperation mechanisms
Table 8. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 9. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 10. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 11. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 12. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 13. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works
Table 14. Definition of the main concepts in terms of the nationality of European works