This volume analyses the effectiveness of the judicial protection of children's rights within one regional organisation, the Council of Europe. The issue of children's protection is of increasing importance in Europe and the courts have therefore become one of the means for transforming social values and influencing traditional conduct towards children. The extent to which common standards have been developed by the courts in implementing children's rights is examined both from the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights and the judgments of the highest national courts within the member states of the Council of Europe. Further analysis is made of the Council of Europe's Social Charter and the reports of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Preface by Maud de Boer-Buquicchio
Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Celebrating children's rights: a Council of Europe wish
Chapter 1 - The fundamental legal principles of interpretation found in European constitutional and international case law
Section 1 - The inter-relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and the regional and global treaties on children's rights
Limitations upon convergence - The approach of the European Court of Human Rights to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989
The approach of the European Court of Human Rights to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966
The approach of the European Court of Human Rights to the revised European Social Charter 1996
The European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights 1996
The European Union and children's rights
Supportive convergence - The approach of the European Court of Human Rights to private international law treaties concerning children's rights
Section 2 - The fundamental principles underpinning child rights cases in Europe
Pushing and pulling in different directions - The best interests of the child and the margin of appreciation of states
The evolving capacities of the child
The principle of non-discrimination
Chapter 2 - The definition of childhood in Europe
Section 1 - Convergent and divergent approaches to the beginning of childhood
Section 2 - Minimum ages and the end of childhood
Chapter 3 - Child participation and autonomy
Section 1 - The right to respect for private life
Identity and respect for the child's private life
Physical integrity and respect for the child's private life
Section 2 - The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
The right of a child to choose a religion
Education in conformity with religious and other beliefs
Section 3 - The right to freedom of expression
Section 4 - The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association
Children and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly
Children and the right to freedom of association
Section 5 - The right to freedom of movement
Chapter 4 - Child protection
Section 1 - The right to liberty and security
Children detained on remand
Detention for the purposes of educational supervision
Child deprivation of liberty - Post conviction
Section 2 - The right to a fair trial
The minimum age of criminal responsibility
The right of a child to a fair trial in criminal proceedings
Presumption of innocence
The right of a child to a fair trial in civil proceedings
Section 3 - The right to respect for family life
The defi nition and ambit of family life
The child, immigration, refugee status and family life
Adoption, fostering and family life
Children and issues of access and custody
Placement of children in care
Chapter 5 - Child provision rights
Section 1 - The right to an effective remedy
Section 2 - The right to education
The child, education and resources
The quality of education
Education in conformity with religious and philosophical convictions
Educational dress
Chapter 6 - Prevention rights and children
Section 1 - The prohibition on torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment
Judicial physical punishment and children
The relationship between Articles 3, 8 and 13
State responsibility for treatment and punishment in the private sphere
Educational physical punishment and children
Converging - The trend within the Council of Europe towards prohibiting all forms of child physical punishment
Child deprivation of liberty and the prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment
Child welfare and Article 3
Section 2 - The prohibition on slavery and forced labour
Contemporary child servitude
Children and light work
Child military service
Chapter 7 - Convergence and divergence: an overview
This volume analyses the effectiveness of the judicial protection of children's rights within one regional organisation, the Council of Europe. The issue of children's protection is of increasing importance in Europe and the courts have therefore become one of the means for transforming social values and influencing traditional conduct towards children. The extent to which common standards have been developed by the courts in implementing children's rights is examined both from the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights and the judgments of the highest national courts within the member states of the Council of Europe. Further analysis is made of the Council of Europe's Social Charter and the reports of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
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