1. General introduction
2. Foreword
3. Definition
4. Aims of the study
5. General principles
6. Classification system for natural flavouring sources and preparations
7 "Active principles"
8. List of natural sources of flavourings
9. Evaluation status of natural sources of flavourings
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
List of "active principles" (constituents of toxicological concern) evaluated by the Committee of experts and included in the published report on "active principles"
List of "active principles" to be evaluated
List of "active principles" evaluated by other international expert groups, no further evaluation required
List of constituents deleted from list of "active principles" after preliminary evaluation
Appendix 3
Summaries of evaluations of "active principles" and other constituents of toxicological concern
Appendix 4
Council Directive 88/388/EEC of 22 June 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to flavourings for use in foodstuffs and to source materials for their production (ANNEX II)
Appendix 5
JECFA evaluated substances
Substances in the above list with ADIs allocated by JECFA
JECFA evaluated substances with no ADI allocated
Appendix 6
Definitions of types of natural flavouring preparations
Appendix 7
Format of datasheets for natural flavouring source materials
Appendix 8
List of natural sources of flavourings and inherent "active principles" (constituents of toxicological concern) presented in this publication
Monographs of the natural sources of flavourings
Alphabetical index of the natural sources of flavourings
List of national delegates of the Committee of experts on Flavouring Substances
Council of Europe publications on flavouring substances
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