The insecurity which irregular migrants face on a daily basis, due to the unlawfulness of their residence, prompted the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess their situation in Council of Europe member states. The aim of the exercice was to pool and evaluate national experiences and to draw up proposals on dealing with irregular migrants and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.
Five countries volunteered - Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation - and submitted certain aspects of their national policies on the situation of irregular migrants for evaluation.
After volume I, which contains a summary of the project and the national reports of Italy and Germany, volume II looks at the situation of irregular migrants in Armenia, Greece and the Russian Federation.
Part I – Policy for combating irregular migration in the Republic of Armenia
by Vardan Gevorgyan
Objective and content baseline
1. Brief analysis of the migration situation in the Republic of Armenia: irregular migration versus general migration processes
2. Main characteristics of special policy for tackling irregular migration
3. New special policy impact on irregular migrants and irregular migration flows
4. Summary and findings
Appendix — List of expert participants in the research conducted under this report
Part II – New elements of Greek policies concerning irregular migrants: the policy of regularisation of unauthorised migrants
by Jennifer Cavounidis
Executive summary
1. Short analysis of illegal migration
2. Main characteristics of the specific policy
3. Evaluation of the impact of the policy on irregular migrants and migration
4. Summary of conclusions
Part III – New answers to irregular migration challenges in the Russian Federation
by Irina Ivakhnyuk
Executive summary
1. Short analysis of irregular migration to the Russian Federation
2. Main characteristics of a new migration policy
3. Evaluation of the impact that the new policies have on the irregular migration influx and irregular migrants
4. Summary of conclusions
The insecurity which irregular migrants face on a daily basis, due to the unlawfulness of their residence, prompted the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess their situation in Council of Europe member states. The aim of the exercice was to pool and evaluate national experiences and to draw up proposals on dealing with irregular migrants and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.
Five countries volunteered - Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation - and submitted certain aspects of their national policies on the situation of irregular migrants for evaluation.
After volume I, which contains a summary of the project and the national reports of Italy and Germany, volume II looks at the situation of irregular migrants in Armenia, Greece and the Russian Federation.
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