This international review of Hungarian national youth policy is the fifteenth in the series started in 1997 by the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe. Like preceding reviews, it aims to fulfil three distinct objectives:- to advise on national youth policy;- to identify components which might combine to form a harmonised approach to youth policy across Europe; and- to contribute to a learning process in relation to the development and implementation of youth policy.Hungary, at its own request, embarked on an international review to benefit from ten years of reviewing experience and to contribute to the European exchange of information on youth policies. This report includes information gathered by the international review team as well as its analyses and recommendations concerning the development, perspectives and challenges for the future of youth policy in Hungary.
Executive summary
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1. Country
1.2. Process
CHAPTER 2: Structures and challenges
2.1. Concepts of youth
2.2. Recent developments of youth policy in Hungary
2.3. Challenges
CHAPTER 3: Dimensions and domains of youth policy
3.1. Youth policy development
3.1.1. Regionalisation of responsibilities, actors, finance and knowledge
3.1.2. Youth work and youth information
3.1.3. Training of professionals in the youth field
3.2. Education and employment
3.2.1. Basic structures
3.2.2. Recent developments and challenges in school-to-work transitions
3.2.3. Current policy measures and reforms
3.3. Other relevant dimensions and domains of youth policy
3.3.1. Health, health promotion and risk-prevention work
3.3.2. Youth justice
3.3.3. Children's rights and the child welfare system
3-4- Cross-cutting issues
3.4.1. Combating poverty of families and children
3.4.2. Diversity, equal opportunities and discrimination: the case of Roma youth
3.4.3. Participation and active citizenship
CHAPTER 4: Conclusions and general policy recommendations
This international review of Hungarian national youth policy is the fifteenth in the series started in 1997 by the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe. Like preceding reviews, it aims to fulfil three distinct objectives:- to advise on national youth policy;- to identify components which might combine to form a harmonised approach to youth policy across Europe; and- to contribute to a learning process in relation to the development and implementation of youth policy.Hungary, at its own request, embarked on an international review to benefit from ten years of reviewing experience and to contribute to the European exchange of information on youth policies. This report includes information gathered by the international review team as well as its analyses and recommendations concerning the development, perspectives and challenges for the future of youth policy in Hungary.
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