In 1998, the Council of Europe and the European Commission decided to take common action in the field of youth. Both institutions initiated a partnership agreement with the aim "to promote active European citizenship and civil society by giving impetus to the training of youth leaders and youth workers working within a European dimension".In 2003, additional agreements were signed in the fields of "youth research" and "Euro-Mediterranean youth co-operation". Since 2005, the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth activities have been focusing on the following topics: European Citizenship, human rights education and intercultural dialogue, quality and recognition of youth work and training, better understanding and knowledge of youth and youth policy development.The partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of Youth brings together the two institutions' experience in non formal education, youth policy, youth research and youth work practice. The co-operation between the two institutions covers a wide spectrum of activities such as training, seminars, workshops, networking and dialogue design.Results and other material are made available on the partnership website (http://youth-partnership.coe.int) and in various publications, including the Training Kits (T-Kits).T-Kits are thematic publications written by experienced youth trainers and experts and constitute easy to use handbooks for educational activities.All activities and publications enhance the exchange of experience and good practice between the actors involved and contribute to the implementation of the political objectives of both partners.
List of figures and tables
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction
About Mosaic
An intercultural production process 18 A mosaic of themes and activities
The educational approaches in Mosaic
Using and adapting activities from Mosaic 26 A word about terminology
2. Themes
1 The political and institutional context
2 History and memory
3 Intercultural learning
4 Youth participation and active citizenship
5 Human rights and human rights education
6 Gender equality
7 Cultural diversity and minorities
8 Religion and tolerance
9 Peace and conflict
10 Environment
3. Activities
1 A family row
2 All that we are
3 Believers
4 Camels go far without water
5 Challenge beauty
6 Did I forget something?
7 Euro-Mediterranean quiz
8 For and against the motion
9 Ideal woman - ideal man
10 Let's cross the sea
11 Look around you
12 Lose yourself
13 Making memories
14 Mapping the globe
1 5 My history
16 Natural beauty
17 Orange blue
18 Our village
19 Paper factory
20 Pass it on
21 Pieces of cake
22 Rebels and freedom fighters
23 Reshaping racism
24 Responsible tourists
25 Selection panel
26 Talking proportions
27 Time line of history
28 Turn it over
29 Where is dignity?
30 Young people's paradise
About the authors and contributors
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In 1998, the Council of Europe and the European Commission decided to take common action in the field of youth. Both institutions initiated a partnership agreement with the aim "to promote active European citizenship and civil society by giving impetus to the training of youth leaders and youth workers working within a European dimension".In 2003, additional agreements were signed in the fields of "youth research" and "Euro-Mediterranean youth co-operation". Since 2005, the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth activities have been focusing on the following topics: European Citizenship, human rights education and intercultural dialogue, quality and recognition of youth work and training, better understanding and knowledge of youth and youth policy development.The partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of Youth brings together the two institutions' experience in non formal education, youth policy, youth research and youth work practice. The co-operation between the two institutions covers a wide spectrum of activities such as training, seminars, workshops, networking and dialogue design.Results and other material are made available on the partnership website (http://youth-partnership.coe.int) and in various publications, including the Training Kits (T-Kits).T-Kits are thematic publications written by experienced youth trainers and experts and constitute easy to use handbooks for educational activities.All activities and publications enhance the exchange of experience and good practice between the actors involved and contribute to the implementation of the political objectives of both partners.
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