"In 2011, the Council of Europe added two new treaties to its arsenal of international legally-binding instruments, namely the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, and the Medicrime Convention. These texts cover important societal issues of relevance in Europe and beyond. In the past year we have stepped up our capacity to translate our commitments into concrete actions. One example is our work on Roma....There are examples which show that we can be flexible and reactive, offering assistance where it is needed and when it is needed.... Today, our member states can see that the Council of Europe is providing value for money. The voluntary contributions from the member states in 2011 are 35% higher than the year before. The total receipts from the EU increased by 18%. These are clear figures which are demonstrating a growing trust in our capacity to deliver".Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, before the Parliamentary Assembly on 23 January 2012.This report outlines the work carried out in 2011 by the various bodies and sectors of activity of the Council of Europe.
"In 2011, the Council of Europe added two new treaties to its arsenal of international legally-binding instruments, namely the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, and the Medicrime Convention. These texts cover important societal issues of relevance in Europe and beyond. In the past year we have stepped up our capacity to translate our commitments into concrete actions. One example is our work on Roma....There are examples which show that we can be flexible and reactive, offering assistance where it is needed and when it is needed.... Today, our member states can see that the Council of Europe is providing value for money. The voluntary contributions from the member states in 2011 are 35% higher than the year before. The total receipts from the EU increased by 18%. These are clear figures which are demonstrating a growing trust in our capacity to deliver".Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, before the Parliamentary Assembly on 23 January 2012.This report outlines the work carried out in 2011 by the various bodies and sectors of activity of the Council of Europe.
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