The Pompidou Group
Chapter 1. Theoretical overview
1.0. Background
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Scientific evidence
1.2.1. Psychoactive substances
1.2.2. Reward system
1.2.3. Learning and memory
1.2.4. Decision making
1.2.5. Addiction/dependence
1.2.6. Psychiatric disorders
1.2.7. Genetic predisposition
1.2.8. Psychological traits
1.2.9. Sociological determinants
1.3. Discussion
1.4. Conclusion
1.5. References
Chapter 2. Empirical study of integrated drug policy
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Research questions
2.3. Methods
2.4. Results
2.4.1. Integration of substance policies and co-ordination
2.4.2. In the process of integrating substance policies and co-ordinating them
2.4.3. No integration of substance policies
2.4.4. Integration as a co-ordination issue
2.5. Country summaries
2.5.1. Germany
2.5.2. United Kingdom
2.5.3. Norway
2.5.4. Switzerland
2.5.5. Portugal
2.5.6. The Netherlands
2.5.7 Ireland
2.6. Conclusion
2.7 Discussion
2.8. References
Chapter 3. Overall conclusions
3.1. References
Publications of the Pompidou Group
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