Introduction - Concepts of animal protection and welfare including obligations and rights by Donald M. Broom
Do animals have rights?
by Elizabeth de Fontenay
Farming and rearing by Birte Broberg
International transport and animal slaughter by Jacques Merminod
Animal experimentation by Roman Kolar
Product safety-related aspects of animal experimentation by Charles Laroche
Animal biotechnology and animal welfare by Mickey Gjerris, Anna Olsson and Peter Sandøe
Pet animals: housing, breeding and welfare by Andreas Steiger
Buddhism by Daniel Chevassut
Catholicism by Frère Maurizio Pietro Faggioni
Islam by Raoutsi Hadj Eddine Sari Ali
Judaism by Albert Guigui
Orthodox Church by Alexandre M. Stavropoulos
Protestantism by Karsten Lehmküler
From animal suffering to animal welfare: the progressive attainment of animal rights in Europe
by Elisabeth Hardouin Fugier
The Swedish approach by Ingvar Ekesbo
The example of Slovenia by Ales Brecelj
Spain: a non-protectionist country par Martin R. Gamero
France and animal rights issues by Nathalie Melik
Council of Europe and animal welfare par Egbert Ausems
Conclusion - animal welfare and the ideal of Europe by Colin Tudge
Appendix I - Some key concepts
Appendix II - A selection of useful websites
Appendix III - Council of Europe treaties dealing with animals
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