This volume contains a selection of papers based on presentations given at the international conference entitled "The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Achievements and Challenges", co-organised by the Council of Europe, the Government of Spain, the Government of the Basque Country and the University of the Basque Country, which was held in Bilbao (Spain) on 20 and 21 April 2009.This work looks at the future prospects of the charter in the light of the experience gained over the first decade of the charter's existence. It is evident that governments bear the primary responsibility in preparing for ratification and in applying the charter, and this is illustrated by case studies for some states parties to the charter. However, regional and local authorities also play a very important role in relation to the charter as they are confronted on a daily basis with the use and protection of minority languages.
List of figures
I. Before the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
1. The European Convention on Human Rights and minority languages
II. Lessons of 1998-2008 - Implementing the Charter
2. The Charter's monitoring mechanism: a practical perspective
3. The impact of the Charter
III. Challenges of 1998-2008 - Ratifying the Charter
A. Problems and perspectives in ratification of the Charter
4. The case of Belgium
5. The case of the Baltic states
B. Drafting periodic reports and implementing recommendations: case studies
6. The case of Switzerland
7. The case of Hungary
8. The case of Spain
9. The Spanish Constitution: problems in applying the Charter
IV. Experiences of 1998-2008 - Promoting and protecting minority languages
10. The evolution of the Basque revival
11. The protection of small languages in Trentino
V. After 2008 - Into a new decade
12. The Charter as a living instrument: legal challenges and perspectives
13. Ensuring the Charter is effective in the European legal order
14. Conclusion from a small language: some thoughts by a writer
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This volume contains a selection of papers based on presentations given at the international conference entitled "The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Achievements and Challenges", co-organised by the Council of Europe, the Government of Spain, the Government of the Basque Country and the University of the Basque Country, which was held in Bilbao (Spain) on 20 and 21 April 2009.This work looks at the future prospects of the charter in the light of the experience gained over the first decade of the charter's existence. It is evident that governments bear the primary responsibility in preparing for ratification and in applying the charter, and this is illustrated by case studies for some states parties to the charter. However, regional and local authorities also play a very important role in relation to the charter as they are confronted on a daily basis with the use and protection of minority languages.
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