Executive summary
Research for and structure of the report
1. Introduction to Moldova
2. Youth and youth policy in Moldova
2.1 Legislation
2.2 Youth policy
2.3 Institutions for delivery of youth policy
Vertical delivery
National youth organisations
The National Youth Council
International NGOs and donors
Horizontal structure
2.4 Public budget for the Youth Year activities
3. Youth organisations and political representation
3.1 Rural and urban youth NGOs
3.2 Regional youth organisations
4. Key domains of youth policy
4.1 Non-formal learning
4.2 Transition to the labour market (education, training and employment)
4.3 Entrepreneurship
5. Other youth policy domains
5.1 Health issues
5.2 Social protection and social security issues
5.3 Criminal situation and youth justice
5.4 Sport and leisure
6. Transversal issues
6.iTransnistria region
6.2 Migration
6.3 Urban-rural division
7. Cross-cutting issues
7.1 Participation and citizenship
7.2 Social inclusion
7.3 Youth information
8. Supporting mechanisms for youth policy
8.1 Research
8.2 Professional training
8.3 The dissemination of good practice
8.4 Evaluation and monitoring criteria
9. Conclusion
Appendix 1 - Programme of the first visit to Moldova
Appendix 2 - Programme of the second visit to Moldova
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