Democratic management of cultural diversity has become a priority for the Council of Europe member states. Sport is no exception to this concern. Faced with the diversity of both participants and spectators, sport becomes a vehicle for intercultural dialogue through its educational and socialising role. This work lays out exchanges of experience in intercultural dialogue through sport. It helps put into perspective the concepts of "intercultural dialogue" and "integration" as applied to sport and evoked in social and political debates in Europe. The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) contributes to the development of European research on education through sport involving researchers from different countries.This publication has been co-ordinated and directed in co-operation with the Agency for Education through Sport (APELS).
Integrating migrants through sport: untapped potential
General introduction
Intercultural dialogue or integration through sport? European models under scrutiny
Chapter 1 - Cultural diversity in sport examined for inconsistent preaching and practice
Development of Intercultural Skills through Sport and Physical Education in Europe
Cultural blending through sport
Chapter 2 - Intercultural dialogue in and through sport: associational practices
Invitation for integration - Sports associations and their chances
Sport, an ideal complement to traditional educational institutions
Intercultural dialogue through sport: where are we, and where do we need to go?
Chapter 3 - Cultural diversity and sports education policies: responses of local and regional authorities in Europe
Concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism and their relationship to sports policy
Sports provision for Strasbourg's residential districts
"Sport Inspires Me": a project of social inclusion through sport in Lisbon
"Neighbourhood Sport" programme in the city of lasi, Romania
Integration through physical activity and sports: the policy example of Switzerland
General conclusion
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Democratic management of cultural diversity has become a priority for the Council of Europe member states. Sport is no exception to this concern. Faced with the diversity of both participants and spectators, sport becomes a vehicle for intercultural dialogue through its educational and socialising role. This work lays out exchanges of experience in intercultural dialogue through sport. It helps put into perspective the concepts of "intercultural dialogue" and "integration" as applied to sport and evoked in social and political debates in Europe. The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) contributes to the development of European research on education through sport involving researchers from different countries.This publication has been co-ordinated and directed in co-operation with the Agency for Education through Sport (APELS).
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