Integrating migrants through sport: untapped potential
General introduction
Intercultural dialogue or integration through sport? European models under scrutiny
Chapter 1 - Cultural diversity in sport examined for inconsistent preaching and practice
Development of Intercultural Skills through Sport and Physical Education in Europe
Cultural blending through sport
Chapter 2 - Intercultural dialogue in and through sport: associational practices
Invitation for integration - Sports associations and their chances
Sport, an ideal complement to traditional educational institutions
Intercultural dialogue through sport: where are we, and where do we need to go?
Chapter 3 - Cultural diversity and sports education policies: responses of local and regional authorities in Europe
Concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism and their relationship to sports policy
Sports provision for Strasbourg's residential districts
"Sport Inspires Me": a project of social inclusion through sport in Lisbon
"Neighbourhood Sport" programme in the city of lasi, Romania
Integration through physical activity and sports: the policy example of Switzerland
General conclusion
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