An important provision of the European Convention on Human Rights is that in the event of a violation being found, not only is the state in question required to redress the consequences of the violation vis-à-vis the applicant - by such means as reopening of proceedings at the origin of the violation, reversal of a judicial verdict, discontinuation of expulsion proceedings or, where necessary, payment of a monetary award to the applicant; but it must also take general measures to prevent the repetition of the violation.These latter measures may take the form, for example, of a change in legislation, recognition of the Court's judgment in national case-law, the appointment of extra judges or magistrates to absorb a backlog of cases, the construction of detention centres suitable for juvenile delinquents, the introduction of training for the police, or other similar steps.In this study, Elisabeth Lambert-Abdelgawad examines both individual measures and general measures taken by states in accordance with the Court's judgments and with the supervisory proceedings of the Committee of Ministers, as published in its human rights (DH) resolutions.
Part 1. The scope of the prohibition of discrimination
Chapter 1 - Scope ratione personae
Section 1. Nationals and foreigners
Section 2. Natural persons and legal persons
Chapter 2 - Scope ratione materiae
Section 1. The material scope of Article 14 of the Convention
Section 2. The material scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 12
Part 2. The content of the prohibition of discrimination
Chapter 1. A prohibitive obligation: the obligation not to introduce discrimination
Section 1. The judgment relating to "certain aspects of the laws on the use of languages in education in Belgium" of 23 July 1968
Section 2. The Thlimmenos v. Greece judgment of 6 April 2000
Chapter 2. Positive obligations: combating certain forms of discrimination
Section 1. Positive obligations to combat certain forms of discriminatory violence
Section 2. Positive obligations to combat other forms of discrimination
Part 3. Supervising the prohibition of discrimination
Chapter 1. Methods of supervision
Section 1. Supervision not limited to the criteria listed in Article 14 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 12
Section 2. Supervision limited to "analogous" or "comparable" situations
Section 3. Supervision defined by reference to "the aim and effects of the measure in question"
Chapter 2. The intensity of supervision
Section 1. The standard of the mode of proof
Section 2. The standard of the national margin of discretion
An important provision of the European Convention on Human Rights is that in the event of a violation being found, not only is the state in question required to redress the consequences of the violation vis-à-vis the applicant - by such means as reopening of proceedings at the origin of the violation, reversal of a judicial verdict, discontinuation of expulsion proceedings or, where necessary, payment of a monetary award to the applicant; but it must also take general measures to prevent the repetition of the violation.These latter measures may take the form, for example, of a change in legislation, recognition of the Court's judgment in national case-law, the appointment of extra judges or magistrates to absorb a backlog of cases, the construction of detention centres suitable for juvenile delinquents, the introduction of training for the police, or other similar steps.In this study, Elisabeth Lambert-Abdelgawad examines both individual measures and general measures taken by states in accordance with the Court's judgments and with the supervisory proceedings of the Committee of Ministers, as published in its human rights (DH) resolutions.
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