Part I - Challenges of shared social responsibility - Justice, sustainability, democracy
Shared social responsibility: the need for and supply of responsible patterns of social action
From individual responsibility to shared social responsibilities: concepts for a new paradigm
Shared social responsibility as a key concept in managing the current interregnum
From individualism to interdependence: a basis for shared social responsibilities
What is commonly understood by shared social responsibility
Shared responsibilities and future generations: beyond the dominant concepts of justice
Addressing poverty: a shared social responsibility
Poverty and rights. Moving beyond the rhetoric of misfortune and blame
Part II - Strategies for sharing knowledge and responsibility - Deliberative processes, multi-player governance, new competences
Multi-stakeholder governance for effectively sharing social responsibility: social contracts, deliberative democracy and endogenous conformity
Building up knowledge in the context of shared responsibilities for social cohesion
Fundamental rights and shared social responsibilities: exploring their complementarity
Equal participation: making shared social responsibility work for everyone
Co-production as a vehicle for sharing social responsibilities
Managing shared social responsibilities: an institutionalist framework
The role of education in shared social responsibilities
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