EDC/HRE Volume II: Growing up in democracy - Lesson plans for primary level on democratic citizenship and human rights (2010)
The conceptual framework of this manual
1. Basic principles of EDC/HRE
2. Three dimensions of competence
3. Key concepts as the core of the nine units
UNIT 1: Identity - Me in my community
UNIT 2: Diversity and pluralism - At home in Europe
UNIT 3: Equality - Minorities and majorities
UNIT 4: Conflict - Rules help to solve conflicts
UNIT 5: Rules and law - The basis of living together
UNIT 6: Power and authority - I am the boss! Am I?
UNIT 7: Responsibility - I go eco ... my school takes part!
UNIT 8: Rights and freedom - My rights - your rights
UNIT 9: Media - Media in use: I would if I could
Manual for students
I. Handouts for students (integrated booklet)
II. Toolbox for students (integrated booklet)
Illustration: The puzzle of the nine key concepts
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