Part I - Migrants and social cohesion: a problem of "cultural diversity"?
I. Policies for a fair multicultural society. On the use and abuse of "culture" in relation to migration issues
II. Religious pluralism and social cohesion: making religions an element of mutual recognition
Part II - Migrants, diversity and changes in the welfare state
A. Insecurity of migrants - controlled by the state, feared by the community
I. Modern migrants and new slaves. How the UK welfare state denies well-being, enforces immigration control and creates slavery
II. What security for migrants and their children? Thoughts inspired by the Catalan example
III. Migration and demographic issues in Europe: policy implications
B. The welfare state: between inequality and universalism conscious of diversity
I. Welfare systems and migrant minorities: the cultural dimension of social policies and its discriminatory potential
II. "Cultural otherness" or the ethnicisation of poverty? Some considerations on how post-communist welfare reforms affect Hungary's Roma minority
III. Tailoring a universal health-care system to diversity: the hospital's good intentions put to the test by its immigrant users
Part III - Migrants, diversity and changes in firms
I. The attitude of companies to migrant workers and their "differences": challenging the current trends towards irresponsibility
II. How the business sector contributes to migrant welfare: principles, strategies and tools for a responsible "diversity" policy
III. Understanding and supporting ethnic minority businesses: some considerations on the UK situation
Part IV - Migrants, diversity and the changing patterns of citizenship
I. Exclusive versus inclusive citizenship: the role of prisons in the governance of contemporary migration
II. Making citizenship an instrument for empowering migrants
III. Making space for Islam in Europe: exploring transnational practices of citizenship
and belonging
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