Introduction - Redefining poverty so as to fight it
Part A - Poverty yesterday and today: types of approach
A historical perspective: from social inclusion to excluding democracy
Examining the relationships of poverty
Part B - Human rights against poverty
Guaranteeing human rights in situations of poverty
Human rights of people experiencing poverty in Europe: standards, obstacles and perspectives of protection in Council of Europe instruments
Part 1: The European Convention on Human Rights
Human rights of people experiencing poverty in Europe: standards, obstacles and perspectives of protection in Council of Europe instruments
Part 2: The European Social Charter
Part C - Concrete examples: poverty as a consequence of transition
Emergence of poverty in transition countries in South-East Europe: the case of Bulgaria
Social justice and poverty in Russia
Part D - Democracy, social justice and poverty
Poverty and democracy - Chances and conflicts
"Poor bodies" in suspension
Social justice, deficit reduction and diminishing social rights - Lessons from the UK's "Big Society"
Part E - Present-day strategies for overcoming poverty
(a) Basic income: a proposal
Basic income, social justice and poverty
The basic income and the different egalitarian rights to security
(b) The strategy of common goods
Providing direct access to social justice by renewing common sense: the state, the market and some preliminary questions about the commons
Commons, social justice and environmental justice
The commons, social cohesion and the autonomy of social reproduction
Combating poverty in the 21st century
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