I. Concepts and principles
Substantial differences: exploring a concept
II. Examples and cases
Basil College of Catering: study duration and differences in programme profile as "substantial differences"?
Different qualification routes to practise a licensed profession: the story of mugwumps
Substantial differences: Diploma in Medical Radiation Technology
Recruitment to health professions: the case of a Master of Arts in Psychological Sciences
A study of substantial differences: professional teaching qualifications
An example of professional recognition: social work
Survey on substantial differences: an example of practice in Europe
III. Substantial differences in a world context
Substantial differences in an EU context: conclusions from a project
Approaches to recognition: a question of two cultures?
Qualifications from non-recognised institutions: an overview of the issue
Qualifications frameworks: an instrument to resolve substantial differences?
IV. Conclusion
Applying the Lisbon recognition principles to the question of substantial difference: what have we learned?
An agenda for further development
List of authors
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