The CEFR Companion volume broadens the scope of language education. It reflects academic and societal developments since the publication of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and updates the 2001 version. It owes much to the contributions of members of the language teaching profession across Europe and beyond.
This volume contains: ► an explanation of the key aspects of the CEFR for teaching and learning; ► a complete set of updated CEFR descriptors that replaces the 2001 set with:
- modality-inclusive and gender-neutral descriptors;
- added detail on listening and reading;
- a new Pre–A1 level, plus enriched description at A1 and C levels;
- a replacement scale for phonological competence;
- new scales for mediation, online interaction and plurilingual/pluricultural competence;
- new scales for sign language competence;
► a short report on the four-year development, validation and consultation processes.
The CEFR Companion volume represents another step in a process of engagement with language education that has been pursued by the Council of Europe since 1971 and which seeks to: ► promote and support the learning and teaching of modern languages; ► enhance intercultural dialogue, and thus mutual understanding, social cohesion and democracy; ► protect linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe; and ► promote the right to quality education for all.
Foreword Preface with acknowledgements CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1. Summary of changes to the illustrative descriptors CHAPTER 2: Key aspects of the CEFR for teaching and learning 2.1. Aims of the CEFR 2.2. Implementing the action-oriented approach 2.3. Plurinlingual and pluricultural competence 2.4. The CEFR descriptive scheme 2.5. Mediation 2.6. The CEFR common reference levels 2.7. CEFR profiles 2.8. The CEFR illustrative descriptors 2.9. Using the CEFR illustrative descriptors 2.10. Some useful resources for CEFR implementation 2.10.1. Web resources 2.10.2. Books CHAPTER 3: The CEFR illustrative descriptor scales: communicative language activities and strategies 3.1. Reception 3.1.1. Reception activities Oral comprehensionn Audio-visual comprehension Reading comprehension 3.1.2. Reception strategies 3.2. Production 3.2.1. Production activities Oral production Written production 3.2.2. Production strategies 3.3. Interaction 3.3.1. Interaction activities Oral interaction Written interaction Online interaction 3.3.2. Interaction strategies 3.4. Mediation 3.4.1. Mediation activities Mediating a text Mediating concepts Mediating communication 3.4.2. Mediation strategies Strategies to explain a new concept Strategies to simplify a text CHAPTER 4: The CEFR illustrative descriptor scales: plurilingual and pluricultural competence CHAPTER 5: The CEFR illustrative descriptor scales: communicative language competences 5.1. Linguistic competence 5.2. Sociolinguistic competence 5.3. Pragmatic competence CHAPTER 6: The CEFR illustrative descriptor scales: signing competences 6.1. Linguistic competence 6.2. Sociolinguistic competence 6.3. Pragmatic competence
APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: Salient features of the CEFR levels APPENDIX 2: Self-assessment grid (expanded with online interaction and mediation) APPENDIX 3: Qualitative features of spoken language (expanded with phonology) APPENDIX 4: Written assessment grid APPENDIX 5: Examples of use in different domains for descriptors of online interaction and mediation activities APPENDIX 6: Development and validation of the extended illustrative descriptors APPENDIX 7: Substantive changes to specific descriptors published in 2001 APPENDIX 8: Supplementary descriptors APPENDIX 9: Sources for new descriptors APPENDIX 10: Online resources
In response to a growing need expressed by the users of the CEFR, the Language Policy Division developed a manual and a set of accompanying tools to be used to assist in linking local...
Pathways presents an innovative way of reflecting on the multidimensionality of assessment, learning and teaching in line with the CEFR. It has been designed to support professionals at...
Understanding and experiencing the diversity of languages and cultures is both an aim of and a resource for quality education
Plurilingual and intercultural education is a...
Mastering the language of schooling is essential for learners to develop the skills necessary for school success and for critical thinking. It is fundamental for participation in...
The CEFR Companion volume broadens the scope of language education. It reflects academic and societal developments since the publication of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and updates the 2001 version. It owes much to the contributions of members of the language teaching profession across Europe and beyond.
This volume contains: ► an explanation of the key aspects of the CEFR for teaching and learning; ► a complete set of updated CEFR descriptors that replaces the 2001 set with:
- modality-inclusive and gender-neutral descriptors;
- added detail on listening and reading;
- a new Pre–A1 level, plus enriched description at A1 and C levels;
- a replacement scale for phonological competence;
- new scales for mediation, online interaction and plurilingual/pluricultural competence;
- new scales for sign language competence;
► a short report on the four-year development, validation and consultation processes.
The CEFR Companion volume represents another step in a process of engagement with language education that has been pursued by the Council of Europe since 1971 and which seeks to: ► promote and support the learning and teaching of modern languages; ► enhance intercultural dialogue, and thus mutual understanding, social cohesion and democracy; ► protect linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe; and ► promote the right to quality education for all.
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