1. Overview of the recognition of the concept of autonomy
Recognition of the concept of sports autonomy by sports organisations
Recognition of the concept of sports autonomy by public authorities
2. Examples concerning sports organisations' autonomy
Government interference in national sports organisations
(Inter)governmental interference in international sports organisations
Cases brought before national and European courts
Intrusions in sports organisations' autonomy by other sports organisations
3. Analysis of replies to the ERAS questionnaire on autonomy in sport
The public sports authorities' point of view
The sports organisations' point of view
4. Restrictions on sports organisations' autonomy
Restrictions resulting from state law
Restrictions resulting from lex sportiva
Horizontal versus vertical autonomy
5. Summary
6. Best practices in negotiated autonomy
Council of Europe
European Commission
World Anti-Doping Agency
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
The European Olympic Committees (EOC)
Union of European Football Associations
Appendix 1: ERAS questionnaire on autonomy in sport in Europe
Appendix 2: Working document and Resolution No. 2 on autonomy in sport adopted by the 11th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport, Athens,
10-12 December 2008
Appendix 3: Chronological study of the Olympic Charter and a selection of documents issued by sports organisations with regard to the concept of autonomy
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