Chapter 1
Recommendation CM/Rec(2008) 11 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the European rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures
Chapter 2
Commentary to the European rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures
Part I - Basic principles, scope and definitions
A. Basic principles
B. Scope and definitions
Part II - Community sanctions and measures
C. Legal framework
D. Conditions of implementation and consequences of non-compliance
Part III - Deprivation of liberty
E. General part
F. Special part
Part IV - Legal advice and assistance
Part V - Complaints procedures. Inspection and monitoring
G. Complaints procedures
H. Inspection and monitoring
Part VI-Staff
Part VII - Evaluation, research, work with the media and the public
I. Evaluation and research
J. Work with the media and the public
Part VIII - Updating the rules
Chapter 3
Summary analysis of the national replies to the questionnaire related to the treatment of juvenile offenders
I. Introduction
II. Participating countries and methodological comments
III. Juvenile offenders in the systems of juvenile justice and welfare
IV. Community sanctions and measures
V. Juveniles deprived of their liberty
VI. Concluding remarks
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