Reader's guide
1. Human rights obligations to end all corporal punishment of children
The United Nations global deadline for prohibition
The European Convention on Human Rights - developing case law
The European Committee of Social Rights - monitoring conformity with the European Social Charter
The Committee of Ministers - recommendations to end corporal punishment
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its monitoring body the Committee on the Rights of the Child
The United Nations Secretary-General's study on violence against children
Other international human rights instruments and their monitoring mechanisms
2. Progress towards ending corporal punishment of children in Council of Europe member states
Background to abolition
The 16 member states with explicit abolition of all corporal punishment
Progress towards abolition in other European states
The European Network of Ombudspersons for Children
3. Lifting the veil - making corporal punishment of children visible
Accumulating evidence of corporal punishment's ill-effects
Research on corporal punishment's prevalence in the family
Research on the impact of Sweden's law reforms
Researching children's views and experiences
4. Eliminating corporal punishment of children - the process
Law reform to abolish all corporal punishment
Enforcing abolition
Implementing laws against corporal punishment within the family
Awareness-raising and public education
Supporting parents and parenting
Advice, counselling and advocacy services for children
Integrating the ending of corporal punishment into strategies to challenge domestic or family violence
Monitoring the effectiveness of protection
Selected reading - learn more
I. Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1666 (2004) on a Europe-wide ban on corporal punishment of children
II. Recommendation Rec(2006)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on policy to support positive parenting
III. General observation of the European Committee of Social Rights - extract
There are four additional online appendices. See "Reader's guide"
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