1. The purpose of this manual
2. An outline of EDC/HRE
Part 1 - Understanding democracy and human rights
Unit 1 - What the concepts mean
1. Politics, democracy and democratic governance of schools
2. Children's rights and the right to education
Unit 2 - The key to a dynamic concept of citizenship
1. Challenges to the traditional model of citizenship
2. Political culture
Unit 3 - Educating for democracy and human rights
1. The three dimensions of EDC/HRE
2. HRE and its connection with EDC
3. Competences in EDC/HRE
4. "We create the world in our minds": constructivist learning in EDC/HRE
5. Professional ethics of EDC/HRE teachers: three principles
6. Key concepts in EDC/HRE
7. The method carries the message: task-based learning in EDC/HRE
8. A human rights-based approach to schooling
Unit 4 - Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education - A short history of the Council of Europe approach
1. Background
2. Outcomes of the EDC/HRE project
3. Practical instruments
Part 2 - Teaching democracy and human rights
Unit 1 - Conditions of teaching and learning
1. Introduction
2. Task and key questions for conditions of teaching and learning
Unit 2 - Setting objectives and selecting materials
1. Introduction
2. Task and key questions for setting objectives and selecting materials
Unit 3 - Understanding politics
1. Introduction: what must students learn?
2. Task and key questions to understand politics
Unit 4 - Guiding processes of learning and choosing forms of teaching
1. Introduction
2. Task and key questions for guiding processes of learning and choosing forms of teaching
Unit 5 - Assessment of students, teachers and schools
1. Introduction
2. Task and key questions for assessment of students, teachers and schools
Part 3 - Tools for teaching and learning democracy and human rights
Unit 1 - Toolbox for teachers
1. Introduction
Unit 2 - Toolbox for students
1. Introduction
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