Julkaisun tarkoituksena on tukea kiistanalaisten aiheiden hallintoa koko koulun tasolla. Tämä tukee nuorison hyvinvointia ja samalla lisää demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen vaikuttavuutta sekä auttaa turvaamaan ja vahvistamaan eurooppalaisia demokraattisia yhteiskuntia.
A tool for school leaders and senior managers for handling controversy and teaching controversial issues in schools.
Controversy and controversial issues are at the centre of our democratic societies. This means that learning how to deal with such issues must also be at the heart of an effective education for democratic citizenship and human rights education (EDC/HRE).
The publication aims to help strengthen the managing of controversial issues at whole-school level. This will benefit young people and also help contribute to more effective Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE), and the protection and strengthening of our democratic societies.
1. School leadership
2. School ethos and culture
3. Teaching and learning
4. The curriculum
5. Student voice
6. Guidance and support
7. Parental engagement
8. Risk management
9. Staff development and training
Appendix i – a checklist of possible actions
Appendix ii – managing controversy: implications for school leaders and managers – a scoping paper
References and resources
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Julkaisun tarkoituksena on tukea kiistanalaisten aiheiden hallintoa koko koulun tasolla. Tämä tukee nuorison hyvinvointia ja samalla lisää demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen vaikuttavuutta sekä auttaa turvaamaan ja vahvistamaan eurooppalaisia demokraattisia yhteiskuntia.
A tool for school leaders and senior managers for handling controversy and teaching controversial issues in schools.
Controversy and controversial issues are at the centre of our democratic societies. This means that learning how to deal with such issues must also be at the heart of an effective education for democratic citizenship and human rights education (EDC/HRE).
The publication aims to help strengthen the managing of controversial issues at whole-school level. This will benefit young people and also help contribute to more effective Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE), and the protection and strengthening of our democratic societies.
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