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It is easy to say "I have no prejudices", "I'm not racist, so it has nothing to do with me", "I didn't invite those refugees". It is hard to say "I may not be to blame for what happened in the past but I want to take responsibility for making sure it doesn't continue in the future".
The Education Pack "all different - all equal" was originally produced in 1995 as an educational resource for the European youth campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance. Soon after its publication it became a reference work for those involved in intercultural education and training with young people across Europe and beyond. Translated into many languages, it remains today one of the most successful and most sought after publications of the Council of Europe.
The usefulness of the pack stems from the variety and creativity of the methodologies proposed. More than twenty years after the "all different - all equal" campaign, the role plays, simulation exercices, case studies and cooperative group work that it proposes remain an inspiration to many youth workers, trainers, teachers and other people actively involved in intercultural education. European societies continue to suffer from a growth of racist hostility and intolerance towards minorities and foreigners; the necessity for intercultural youth work remains undiminished and the relevance of this pack remains unquestionable.
Little bit has been changed in this new edition of the pack, apart from an updating of references. Most changes are visible and usable only in the online version, which offers relevant links with other resources for human rights education which continue the legacy of the campaign: equality in dignity and rights, respect for broader appreciation of diversity.
Chapter 1 - Challenges, Problems and their Origins
The Reality of Our Societies: Difference
North-South, A Question Of Imbalance
The international economic system
An imbalance everyone of us helps to maintain
East - West: The New Search For Balance
The changing faces of Europe
Different Europes
Minorities in Europe
Local Minorities
Migrants, Immigrants, Refugees
The Legal “Welcome” to Those Coming from Outside
And What Are Our Responses to All of This?
A Model to Adapt
IF... THEN....
References for this chapter
Chapter 2 - Understanding Difference and Discrimination
From Multicultural to Intercultural Societies
Let’s Talk About Culture
Learning Your Own Culture: Something as Natural as Breathing
We All Live With Images
Prejudice and stereotypes about other cultural groups
Linking The Images And Their Effects
Where do we go from here?
References for this chapter
Chapter 3 - Intercultural Education: A Positive Approach to Difference
Where Does Intercultural Education Come From?
Educational responses to multicultural society
Intercultural Education: A Social Education Process
Two Ways of Travelling:
1. Formal intercultural education
2. Informal Intercultural Education
Working With Young People – A Continuous Process
Pause for Thought
To sum up, it may be helpful to remember that:
References for this chapter
I. Introduction
How to use the pack
II. The educational approach
Working with young people
III. Developing an intercultural education programme
Tips for facilitators
Leading discussions
Dealing with conflict
Evaluation or reviewing
IV. Activities
V. Credits
Table of Activities, levels and themes addressed
An A‑Z of Actions for the Campaign
Antonio and Ali
Dear Friend....
Eurojoke Contest
Euro-rail “à la carte”
Every Picture Tells a Story
First Impressions
Force the Circle
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
The History Line
In Our Block
The Island
Just Do It!
Knysna Blue
Limit 20
Making the News
Me Too
Media Biases
My Childhood .
My Story
National Holiday
Odd One Out
One Equals One
The Path to Development
Personal Heroes
The Refugee
The Rules of the Game
Seeking Similarities and Discovering Diversity
Sharing Discrimination
Tales of the World
Trailing Diversity
Tree of Life
“What Do You See?”
Where Do You Stand?
White Future
Ways Into Starting Work on the Theme of the Campaign
A. Written Materials
B. Videos / Films
Appendix I - The Vienna Declaration
Appendix II - Declaration of the European Youth Organisations done at the Council of Europe Summit in Vienna, 8-9 October 1993
It is easy to say "I have no prejudices", "I'm not racist, so it has nothing to do with me", "I didn't invite those refugees". It is hard to say "I may not be to blame for what happened in the past but I want to take responsibility for making sure it doesn't continue in the future".
The Education Pack "all different - all equal" was originally produced in 1995 as an educational resource for the European youth campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance. Soon after its publication it became a reference work for those involved in intercultural education and training with young people across Europe and beyond. Translated into many languages, it remains today one of the most successful and most sought after publications of the Council of Europe.
The usefulness of the pack stems from the variety and creativity of the methodologies proposed. More than twenty years after the "all different - all equal" campaign, the role plays, simulation exercices, case studies and cooperative group work that it proposes remain an inspiration to many youth workers, trainers, teachers and other people actively involved in intercultural education. European societies continue to suffer from a growth of racist hostility and intolerance towards minorities and foreigners; the necessity for intercultural youth work remains undiminished and the relevance of this pack remains unquestionable.
Little bit has been changed in this new edition of the pack, apart from an updating of references. Most changes are visible and usable only in the online version, which offers relevant links with other resources for human rights education which continue the legacy of the campaign: equality in dignity and rights, respect for broader appreciation of diversity.
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