Words to say it, an institution to do it
A question of words: politics/politique and role
A question of aims: Europe's values
A question of instruments: standard-setting texts
A question of custom: seeking Europe's identity - And saving its soul?
Some problems - And how the Council may help to solve them
Part I - Forum for democracy, gage of stability
Chapter 1 - An institution born of history - And compromise
1. Blueprints for union - Bordeaux 1940, The Hague 1948
2. Compromise in London: the treaty of 5 May 1949
3. From paper to practice: striking the right balance
4. Develop, diversify, expand
5. Point of departure: building on compromise
Chapter 2 - Reuniting Europe, fostering democracy
1. History - Process ongoing or completed?
2. "Making politics" - What Europe's leaders wanted
3. Democratic engineering: Demosthenes, Venice Commission, CEPEJ
Chapter 3 - Grass-roots Europe: garden of delights - And seedbed of democracy
1. The Congress: "Act local, think European"
2. Broadening and deepening: the tension behind the democratic ideal
Part II - The home of human rights and the forum of cultural diversity
Chapter 1 - An exceptional achievement with a political content: human rights
1. A code: the European Convention on Human Rights
2. An arbiter: the European Court of Human Rights
3. Court practice: some emblematic - and political - cases
Chapter 2 - Europe right side out: culture at the heart and cultural diversity at the head
1. The European Cultural Convention: a policy of audacity
2. The defence of diverse cultures and protection of the heritage
3. The response to the instrumentalisation of culture
Chapter 3 - The culture of human rights: law at the service of a political ambition
1. The cognitive function of the combat for human rights
2. The championing of human rights
3. The pedagogic function of human and social rights education
Part III - The crucible of Europe and the future for politics
Chapter 1 - The Council of Europe and the European Union: a new and vital synergy
1. The stork and the cuckoo: the ambiguities of a common ancestry
2. The institutional aspect of relations with the European Union
3. Stronger partnerships, effective but sometimes too low-profile
Chapter 2 - The Council of Europe: regenerating a Europe stuck in the mud
1. Remembering tragedies to gain release from them
2. Taking a chance on citizens and following different approaches (European Pharmacopoeia, Eurimages, etc.): a long-standing practice of enhanced co-operation
3. Playing a full political role and putting Europe on the world map
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