Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machines, ballot scanners, digital pens, internet voting systems: how build the trust and confidence of voters in their respective voting process and e-voting schemes?
The Ministers’ Deputies adopted, at their 1289th Session on 14 June 2017, Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 on standards for e-voting. This Recommendation was drafted as an enhancement of Rec(2004)11 and deals with the most critical aspects of election technology, namely e-voting: the use of electronic means to cast and count votes.
This new Recommendation was created to ensure that the implementation of electronic voting complies with the principles of democratic elections. It is the only existing international standard on e-voting so far.
This publication consists of the text of Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5, with the essential aspects of e-voting, the guidelines on the implementation of the provisions of the Recommendation, with specific requirements, and the explanatory memorandum.
Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machines, ballot scanners, digital pens, internet voting systems: how build the trust and confidence of voters in their respective voting process and e-voting schemes?
The Ministers’ Deputies adopted, at their 1289th Session on 14 June 2017, Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 on standards for e-voting. This Recommendation was drafted as an enhancement of Rec(2004)11 and deals with the most critical aspects of election technology, namely e-voting: the use of electronic means to cast and count votes.
This new Recommendation was created to ensure that the implementation of electronic voting complies with the principles of democratic elections. It is the only existing international standard on e-voting so far.
This publication consists of the text of Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5, with the essential aspects of e-voting, the guidelines on the implementation of the provisions of the Recommendation, with specific requirements, and the explanatory memorandum.
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