The "rags to riches" story of Karol Jakubowicz's involvement in the work of the Council of Europe took him from the role of an awestruck newcomer from Poland in 1990 to that of the Chairman of the Steering Committee on the Media and New Communication Services (2005-06). Along the way, he was elected, delegated by the Steering Committee, and invited by the Council of Europe Secretariat to serve in a number of other capacities. In all of them, he contributed a wide variety of papers, reports and studies to assist the steering committee and other bodies in collecting information and formulating ideas in the general field of freedom of expression, creation of free and democratic media systems (including the issue of public service media), regulation of transfrontier television, the adjustment of Council of Europe human rights standards to the conditions of the information society, and the development of broadcasting legislation in Council of Europe member states.The present collection of these papers and reports is published in the conviction that they retain their value and relevance. It provides the additional benefit of offering a glimpse of the work preceding the formulation of Committee of Ministers recommendations and declarations, as well as resolutions of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.
Maud de Boer-Buquicchio
Professor Dr Delia Mucica, Chair of the CDMC
Part I. Speeches
1. A new notion of media
2. We need an ED with a heart, a social conscience and courage
3. Council of Europe media standards relating to press freedom in the digital era
Part II. Public service media look to the future
1. Public service broadcasting vis-à-vis the digital and online challenge
2. Public service broadcasting in Europe
3. Recommendation Rec(2007)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the remit of public service media in the information society
4. The role and future of public service media with regard to e-democracy
Part III. Human rights in the information society
1. Human rights and regulation of the media and new communication services in the information society
2. Human rights and the information society: a preliminary overview
3. Declaration CM(2005)56 of the Committee of Ministers on human rights and the rule of law in the information society
4. A new notion of media? Media and media-like content and activities on new communication services
5. Draft recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on a new notion of media
6. The regulation of new communication technologies and services and the extent to which it promotes pluralism
7. Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)16of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to promote the public service value of the Internet
8. Comments on the draft report on access of national minorities to the media: new challenges
Part IV. Creating and protecting democratic media systems
1. Post-communist central and eastern Europe: promoting the emergence of open and pluralist media systems
2. Media concentrations and foreign media presence in central and eastern Europe
3. Legislative guarantees of a plurality of information sources - implementation of constitutional provisions regarding mass media in a pluralistic society
4. Media and democracy
5. Media economics
6. Persons belonging to national minorities and the media
Part V. Revision of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
Modernising the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
Part VI. Legal expertise: keeping media free and democratic
1. Analysis and review of the "Gasparri Law"
2. Analysis and review of the "Frattini Law"
3. Analysis and review of draft law on public television and radio broadcasting in the Moscow region
4. Full list of expertises and reports regarding media legislation written for the Council of Europe by Karol Jakubowicz
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The "rags to riches" story of Karol Jakubowicz's involvement in the work of the Council of Europe took him from the role of an awestruck newcomer from Poland in 1990 to that of the Chairman of the Steering Committee on the Media and New Communication Services (2005-06). Along the way, he was elected, delegated by the Steering Committee, and invited by the Council of Europe Secretariat to serve in a number of other capacities. In all of them, he contributed a wide variety of papers, reports and studies to assist the steering committee and other bodies in collecting information and formulating ideas in the general field of freedom of expression, creation of free and democratic media systems (including the issue of public service media), regulation of transfrontier television, the adjustment of Council of Europe human rights standards to the conditions of the information society, and the development of broadcasting legislation in Council of Europe member states.The present collection of these papers and reports is published in the conviction that they retain their value and relevance. It provides the additional benefit of offering a glimpse of the work preceding the formulation of Committee of Ministers recommendations and declarations, as well as resolutions of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.
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