- Comité des Ministres
- Assemblée parlementaire
- Congrès
- Droits de l'homme
- Droits de l'homme et démocratie
- Droit des enfants et droit de la famille
- Les institutions démocratiques en action
- Minorités
- Dossiers sur les droits de l'homme
- Charte sociale européenne
- Cahiers de la Charte Sociale
- Egalité entre femmes et hommes
- Cour européenne des droits de l'homme
- Commissaire aux droits de l'homme
- Commission européenne des droits de l'homme
- Droit
- Santé
- Société
- Environnement
- Démocratie locale et régionale
- Education
- Langues
- Jeunesse
- Culture
- Sport
- Communication
- Questions européennes
- Comité des Ministres
PDF - Young people at the Heart of Europe - A decade of the European Youth Centre Budapest (2006)
This book contains the contributions of numerous Europeans. They represent different qge groups and a wide spectrum of political, cultural and social life in Europe. All the personalities, who have kindly offered their memories and experiences, have at least one thing in common: in their political or professional functions, in their work or in their voluntary commitment to civil society, present or past, they have come into contact with the European Youth Centre Budapest of the Council of Europe. Their individual memories, wishes and experiences present the numerous parts of a complex puzzle, which together give a colourful and vivid picture of what made and makes the European Youth Centre Budapest.The Council of Europe has forty-six member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks to develop common democratie and legal principles based on the European Convention of Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals.
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