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Intercultural learning in non-formal education: theoretical frameworks and starting points (2012)
1. Non-formal education
1.1. Definition of concepts
1.2. Aims and characteristics
1.3. Types of non-formal education
1.4. Non-formal education with young people in Europe
1.4.1. Background and development
1.4.2. Non-formal education and the European Union's Youth Programme
2. Education and intercultural dialogue
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Definition of concepts
2.2.1. Culture
2.2.2. Interculturalism
2.2.3. Multiculturalism
2.3. Educational and intercultural dialogue
2.3.1. The objectives of intercultural dialogue
2.3.2. Competences in the area of intercultural dialogue
2.3.3. Inter-religious dialogue
2.4. Intercultural education
2.5. Education for peace
3. Non-formal education and intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean context
Appendix 1. A decade of the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth with a specific view on co-operation in the Euro-Mediterranean region,
Appendix 2. List of publications of the Euro-Mediterranean strand of the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the
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T-Kit No. 4 - Intercultural learning (2004)
Manual for facilitators in non-formal education (2009)
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