Following on from the first two volumes of History of youth work in Europe, each of which was based on international seminars, the Belgian Presidency of the European Union held an international and interdisciplinary conference on the history of youth work. This third volume presents the work of this conference, which widened the scope of study from national histories to questions concerning the historical evolution of youth work methods, theories and targets. The 1st European Conference on the History of Youth Work made a two-pronged contribution: to learn from history and to engage in intercultural exchange and learning. This publication is intended to build bridges between past and future, east and west, north and south - and to inform contemporary debate on youth work and youth policy in Europe.
Reflecting on the historical sensation of youth work and youth policy in Europe
1. Historical and intercultural consciousness in youth work and youth policy - a double odyssey
2. Youth in the life course - a history
3. The relevance of the concept of "being young together" for youth research, youth work and youth policy
4. Youth care, youth organisation and the youth movement in Flanders, 1850-1975
5. Aime Bogaerts and his travelling holiday camp, Gentse Volkskinderen: a soft socialist propaganda tool on the road (1898-1915)
6. Youth holiday camps at the Belgian seaside, 1887-1980
7. A Finnish perspective: features of the history of modern youth work and youth organisations
8. History of youth work and youth policy in Austria
9. The history of youth work and its relevance for youth policy in Serbia today
10. Developmental psychology, youth sociology and social pedagogy - three perspectives on youth work and youth work policy
11. History of European youth policies and questions for the future
12. From social education to positive youth development
13. Youth cultures and youth work: perspectives from the south of Europe
14. Society and youth cultures - interpretations and conclusions for youth work
15. The quest for peace, democracy and sociocultural development
16. Geopolitics of youth policy in post-war Western Europe, 1945-67
17. The origins and development of open youth centres and their operating characteristics in Flanders
18. Youth work, professionalism and professionalisation in Europe
19. History of youth information in Europe
20. The early years of innovative approaches to youth
Following on from the first two volumes of History of youth work in Europe, each of which was based on international seminars, the Belgian Presidency of the European Union held an international and interdisciplinary conference on the history of youth work. This third volume presents the work of this conference, which widened the scope of study from national histories to questions concerning the historical evolution of youth work methods, theories and targets. The 1st European Conference on the History of Youth Work made a two-pronged contribution: to learn from history and to engage in intercultural exchange and learning. This publication is intended to build bridges between past and future, east and west, north and south - and to inform contemporary debate on youth work and youth policy in Europe.
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