This unique comparative legal analysis looks at the scope of protection of audiovisual sports content in the legislative frameworks of the 27 EU member states and the UK.
The screen life of a sports event is as short as the duration of the game in question since its interest lies mainly in its being watched live. This has as the unavoidable consequence that the piracy of live sports event broadcasts causes immediate and unrecoverable losses in terms of audience and revenues.
The purpose of this project is the analysis of national remedies against online piracy of sports content, with particular emphasis placed on assessing the availability and examining the functioning of blocking and take-down injunctions, including dynamic injunctions which are being increasingly applied to certain types of online infringement. The analysis reflects a comparative perspective, which takes into account: i) the legislative frameworks and the transposition of EU directives; and ii), the procedures and case law.
1. Executive summary
1.1. Project objective
1.2. Key findings
2. Methodology and structure of the mapping report3. Comparative legal analysis
3.1. Scope of protection of sports events
3.1.1. Definition of sports events and sports event organisers
3.1.2. Legal protection related to sports events
3.1.3. Entitlement to take legal action regarding sports events
3.2. National remedies, enforcement rules and procedures
3.2.1. Legal qualification of copyright infringement
3.2.2. Specific national bodies with competence in relation to copyright infringement
3.2.3. Notice and take-down procedures
3.2.4. Permanent and interim injunctions
3.2.5. Codes of conduct and Memorandums of Understanding
3.2.6. Reports and studies
4. Conclusions 5. Case studies
6. Country reports