This book is targeted at modern languages teachers of primary school children and focuses on curricula and syllabi, as well as on teaching materials and methodology.The teaching of modern languages to young learners is widespread practice in Europe and beyond today. Although consensus has been achieved on the advantages, on the basic principles of teaching modern languages at an early age, and on the types of materials, tasks and assessment practices recommended, little attempt has been made to explore how effectively these findings are integrated into teacher training programmes and implemented in actual classroom practice.The aim of this volume is therefore to provide insights into good practice, innovation and quality research selected by the authors from recent language pedagogy. The ten papers look into issues related to both pre- and in-service teacher education, innovative curriculum and syllabus design in tertiary education and lower primary schools, and how new ideas can be implemented at national and classroom levels.The chapters in this volume are the edited versions of ten selected papers presented at the TeMoLaYoLe conference "Research into Teaching Modern Languages to Young Learners", held in Pecs, Hungary, in February 2007, organised jointly by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe and the University of Pecs.The first six papers focus on teacher education curricula and teacher development in pre-service and in-service programmes, whereas the last four papers examine curricula, teaching materials and projects in primary schools.
Chapter 1: Evaluation of teacher training programmes for primary teachers of English - A comparative study
Chapter 2: Developing teachers of young learners: in-service for educational change and improvement
Chapter 3: Teaching and researching very young learners: "They are unpredictable"
Chapter 4: The self-perception of early education teachers of English
Chapter 5: Story-based language teaching: an experimental study on the implementation of a module in three European countries
Chapter 6: Authentic picture books in the lives of young EFL learners and their teachers
Chapter 7: German as a second foreign language in Greek compulsory education: curriculum and continuity
Chapter 8: Learners' own cultural identity in early language learning
Chapter 9: English phonetics and phonology in the curriculum
Chapter 10: Motivation pour l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère dans deux régions frontalières (Espagne-France) pour des élèves de 8-12 ans
This book is targeted at modern languages teachers of primary school children and focuses on curricula and syllabi, as well as on teaching materials and methodology.The teaching of modern languages to young learners is widespread practice in Europe and beyond today. Although consensus has been achieved on the advantages, on the basic principles of teaching modern languages at an early age, and on the types of materials, tasks and assessment practices recommended, little attempt has been made to explore how effectively these findings are integrated into teacher training programmes and implemented in actual classroom practice.The aim of this volume is therefore to provide insights into good practice, innovation and quality research selected by the authors from recent language pedagogy. The ten papers look into issues related to both pre- and in-service teacher education, innovative curriculum and syllabus design in tertiary education and lower primary schools, and how new ideas can be implemented at national and classroom levels.The chapters in this volume are the edited versions of ten selected papers presented at the TeMoLaYoLe conference "Research into Teaching Modern Languages to Young Learners", held in Pecs, Hungary, in February 2007, organised jointly by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe and the University of Pecs.The first six papers focus on teacher education curricula and teacher development in pre-service and in-service programmes, whereas the last four papers examine curricula, teaching materials and projects in primary schools.
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