- Comité des Ministres
- Assemblée parlementaire
- Congrès
- Droits de l'homme
- Droits de l'homme et démocratie
- Droit des enfants et droit de la famille
- Les institutions démocratiques en action
- Minorités
- Dossiers sur les droits de l'homme
- Charte sociale européenne
- Cahiers de la Charte Sociale
- Egalité entre femmes et hommes
- Cour européenne des droits de l'homme
- Commissaire aux droits de l'homme
- Commission européenne des droits de l'homme
- Droit
- Santé
- Société
- Environnement
- Démocratie locale et régionale
- Education
- Langues
- Jeunesse
- Culture
- Sport
- Communication
- Questions européennes
- Comité des Ministres
Making culture accessible - Access, participation and cultural provision in the context of cultural rights in Europe (2010)
1. An introduction to the concepts
2. Building access, promoting participation and securing provision
2.1 Access and participation in cultural life
2.2 Participation in the context of human/cultural rights
2.3 Participation in cultural life in the international legal and institutional framework
2.4 Local and regional environment
3. Participation in culture in the administration and legislation
3.1 Assuring access - The legal approach
3.2 From laws to action - Fostering participation in cultural life in public administration
3.3 Surveying cultural access, participation, provision and rights
3.4 Cultural citizenship and participation
4. Diverse cultural participation - Fostering participation of groups with special needs
4.1 People with disabilities
4.2 Ethnic, national and linguistic minorities
4.3 The ageing and the young
4.4 Other groups
5. European experiences - Participation in cultural life
6. Measuring access, provision and participation in cultural life
7. Trends and conclusions
8. Improving policy
References and selected bibliography
Annex: General comment No. 21 on the right of everyone to take part in cultural life (adopted by the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Economic and Social Council in November 2009)
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Making culture accessible - Access, participation and cultural provision in the context of cultural rights in Europe
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