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PDF - Youth policy in Albania (2010)
Albania is the seventeenth country to have undergone an international review of its national youth policy, a series which was started by the Council of Europe in 1997. The review was performed in 2009 during two one-week visits by a team of international experts working on the basis of the Albanian National Youth Strategy, published in 2007.The report focuses on three issues identified by the Albanian government: the law, delivery mechanisms and youth participation, and three issues identified as important by the review team itself: youth information, leisure-time activities and youth crime and justice. While reviewing the youth policy in Albania with special attention to theses issues, the international team came across a number of specific or cross-sectoral subjects (education, health, minorities, etc.) which helped depict a broad picture of the situation of young people in the country.Recommendations made by the international team cover not only government action, but address steps to be taken by those who take part, at all levels, in the shaping of youth policy in Albania.
1. Introduction - Albania and the National Youth Strategy
2. The social condition of young people in Albania and an overview of youth policy
3. Government-identified Issues
The law
Delivery mechanisms
Youth participation
4. Issues identified by the international review team
Youth information
Leisure-time activities
Youth crime and justice
Appendices: programme of first and second visits
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