Higher education governance is key component of higher education policies in Europe today, where traditional forms of academic governance are being challenged.The present book brings together various aspects of the role of the university as a site of democratic citizenship, ranging from student participation in higher education governance to the higher education institution as an actor in democratic society. The articles outline how teaching and practice within the university have an impact on the development and maintenance of democratic culture in the larger society.The book underlines the importance and contribution of education and contribution of education and contribution of education and higher education to the overall political objectives of the Council of Europe : democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Governance and participation are central to the values and priorities of the Council of Europe and will feature prominently in 2005 as the European Year of Citizenship through Education.
A Word from the Editor
Higher Education Governance and Democratic Participation: the University and Democratic Culture
Student Participation in the Governance of Higher Education in Europe - Results of a Survey
The University as a Site of Citizenship
The Student Charter: an Example of Good Practice from Moldova
The Moldovan Student Charter
List of contributors