Message from the rectors of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and Notre Dame University - Louaize
A word from the editors
I. The political context: intercultural dialogue for a humane society
The role of higher education in fostering a culture of peace and understanding
Intercultural dialogue and higher education: a Council of Europe view
The role of higher education in fostering intercultural dialogue
and understanding
II. Setting the scene: from dialogue on campus to dialogue in society
Intercultural dialogue on the university campus
Universities as actors of intercultural dialogue in wider society
III. Higher education as an actor of intercultural dialogue
Higher education "as" free dialogue: pedagogy in a global age
Developing attitudes to intercultural dialogue: the role of higher education
Intercultural competence in higher education and intercultural dialogue
Students and intercultural dialogue: more than just talk
The role of public authorities in promoting intercultural dialogue
A broad approach: beyond training professionals to educating responsible citizens
IV. Higher education for intercultural dialogue: examples of practice
The university as an actor of intercultural dialogue: an example from north Caucasus
Has dialogue contributed to conflict management, conflict avoidance
or conflict resolution in the Lebanese crisis?
Cultural pluralism as a challenge to the effectiveness of university education in fostering dialogue and understanding
For a culture of dialogue and mutual understanding: a Lebanese case
Internationalisation and intercultural understanding through higher education: the Chinese experience
Intercultural dialogue as an element of the internationalisation of education
The editors and authors
Publications in the Council of Europe higher education series
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