The unimpeded, transboundary flow of information on the Internet is critical for the full realisation of the right to freedom of expression online and for safeguarding pluralism and diversity of information, the development of culture, education and innovation, and economic growth. The Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)6 provides a set of principles for the free flow of information on the Internet which member states are encouraged to promote and protect when developing and implementing Internet-related policies at national level and within the international community.
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The unimpeded, transboundary flow of information on the Internet is critical for the full realisation of the right to freedom of expression online and for safeguarding pluralism and diversity of information, the development of culture, education and innovation, and economic growth. The Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)6 provides a set of principles for the free flow of information on the Internet which member states are encouraged to promote and protect when developing and implementing Internet-related policies at national level and within the international community.
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