(Young) lives are cross-sectoral by nature, and youth policy also needs to be so.
Cross-sectorality is a well-known aspect of youth policy, but the importance of this aspect does not translate into a common understanding of what cross-sectoral youth policy means and of the ways it can be developed.
This book is a collection of articles detailing concrete experiences of cross-sectoral youth policy implementation. It starts with the idea that the efficacy and the sustainability of cross-sectoral youth policy depends on the degree and nature of interaction between various youth policy subdomains and levels, ranging from legal frameworks to interinstitutional or interpersonal relations, and from pan-European to local level. By making these examples available, this book will hopefully support the development of a common understanding of what cross-sectoral youth policy means in different countries and settings.
The authors themselves reflect the diversity of the people involved in youth policy (policy makers, youth researchers, youth workers and workers in the field of youth) and this work represents their intention to provide these professionals – as well as others interested in the youth field – with the knowledge necessary to implement, in a real-life scenario, cross-sectoral youth policy.
Part I – Taking a step back to see the big picture – The haystack
1. A primary look at secondary data – CSYP in official documents
2. Integrated youth policy – Riding the wave of cross-sectoralism
Part II – Processes of emergence and design of CSYP
3. CSYP collaboration in Eastern Partnership countries – A stony path!
4. Youth policy in relations – Drawing on Estonian experiences
5. Exploring integrated CSYP in Estonia
6. A precarious equilibrium – Working together in youth policy and practice
7. Local integrated youth policies in France – What are the benefits at community level?
Part III – Lessons from evaluation and implementation of CSYP
8. From groups to a network – Using the speech act theory in the development of CSYP measures at local level in Finland
9. How can cross-sectoral co-operation work? Lessons learned from the implementation of the European Youth Strategy in Germany
10. Doing CSYP in Luxembourg – Lessons learned from the evaluation of interdepartmental collaboration during the Youth Pact 2012-2014
11. CSYP in Finland – Essential elements, strategies and functionality within the Youth Guidance and Service Networks – CSYP in Finland
12. Implementing CSYP in Ukraine – Experience and challenges
13. Implementing CSYP at the local level – An analysis of a decade promoting integrality in Catalan municipalities
Part IV – (Beyond youth) cross-sectoral policy – Participation, health, gender
14. European democracy in crisis – Building a bridge between cross-sectoral and youth-led policy
15. How to promote youth well-being across sectors – An evaluation of the YHRK
16. A delivery model of a gender-specific intervention approach – Lessons for policy makers
About the authors
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(Young) lives are cross-sectoral by nature, and youth policy also needs to be so.
Cross-sectorality is a well-known aspect of youth policy, but the importance of this aspect does not translate into a common understanding of what cross-sectoral youth policy means and of the ways it can be developed.
This book is a collection of articles detailing concrete experiences of cross-sectoral youth policy implementation. It starts with the idea that the efficacy and the sustainability of cross-sectoral youth policy depends on the degree and nature of interaction between various youth policy subdomains and levels, ranging from legal frameworks to interinstitutional or interpersonal relations, and from pan-European to local level. By making these examples available, this book will hopefully support the development of a common understanding of what cross-sectoral youth policy means in different countries and settings.
The authors themselves reflect the diversity of the people involved in youth policy (policy makers, youth researchers, youth workers and workers in the field of youth) and this work represents their intention to provide these professionals – as well as others interested in the youth field – with the knowledge necessary to implement, in a real-life scenario, cross-sectoral youth policy.
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