Once considered an exclusively internal affair, international organisations have, over the last few decades, become increasingly involved in the management of ethnopolitical conflicts and have been active in attempts to prevent and/or resolve them.This book presents a series of studies covering the work of eight different organisations active in central and eastern Europe: the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; its High Commissioner on National Minorities; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the United Nations Development Programme and Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the Council of Europe; the European Union; the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; and the World Bank. A further chapter considers the role of non-governmental organisations.The studies consider the varying approaches adopted by these institutions and illustrate the ways in which these differ from and complement one another. The assessment covers both the preventive and reactive sides of conflict management, and provides valuable lessons for similar activities in the future, both in the region and beyond.
Stefan Wolff and Marc Weller
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Erik Friberg and Halida Nasic
NATO and Ethnopolitical Conflict
Dr. Jennifer Medcalf
The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
Harald Schenker
The World Bank. Conflict Management through Development Policy?
Pieter van Houten
The OSCE and the Management of Ethno-political Conflict
Walter Kemp
Early Warning and Early Action in the UN System: UNDP and OCHA
Sharon Rusu and Susanne Schmeidl
The Council of Europe and the issue of ethno-political conflicts
Marc Scheuer
NGOs Acting as IGOs: Alternative Mechanisms for Direct Conflict Management
Matthew Ward
The EU Design for the Management of Ethnic Conflict in the Western Balkans
Stefan Wolff and Annemarie Peen Rodt
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Once considered an exclusively internal affair, international organisations have, over the last few decades, become increasingly involved in the management of ethnopolitical conflicts and have been active in attempts to prevent and/or resolve them.This book presents a series of studies covering the work of eight different organisations active in central and eastern Europe: the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; its High Commissioner on National Minorities; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the United Nations Development Programme and Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the Council of Europe; the European Union; the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; and the World Bank. A further chapter considers the role of non-governmental organisations.The studies consider the varying approaches adopted by these institutions and illustrate the ways in which these differ from and complement one another. The assessment covers both the preventive and reactive sides of conflict management, and provides valuable lessons for similar activities in the future, both in the region and beyond.
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