Executive summary 1. Setting the scene: one crisis could conceal another
1.1. The pre-COVID-19 crisis European landscape
1.2. The immediate effect of the crisis
1.3. Emergency measures
1.4. Deferred effects of the COVID-19 crisis
1.5. The risk of a systemic crisis
1.6. The EAO Tracker on COVID-19 Audiovisual Sector Measures
1.6.1. Scope of the project
1.6.2. Information sources
2. Measures taken by international organisations and the EU
2.1. Freedom of expression and information
2.1.1. United Nations
2.1.2. Council of Europe
2.1.3. Guidance on COVID-19 and media freedom
2.1.4. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
2.1.5. European Union
2.1.6. European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA)
2.2. Support measures
2.2.1. UNESCO
2.2.2. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
2.2.3. Council of Europe
2.2.4. European Union
2.2.5. Specific measures regarding the film and audiovisual sectors
3. Overview of national measures
3.1. General overview
3.1.1. A wide variety of responses by type of organisation
3.1.2. Main types of measures per area concerned
3.1.3. Support to artists and creators
3.1.4. Support to festivals and cinema venues
3.1.5. Other types of measures
3.2. National examples of measures by film agencies
3.2.1. Support to the film and audiovisual sector (non-specific)
3.2.2. Support to enterprises and workers
3.2.3. Support to production
3.2.4. Support to distribution
3.2.5. Support to exhibition
3.2.6. Support to events and festivals
3.3. National examples of measures by NRAs
3.3.1. Relaxing requirements/deadlines
3.3.2. Supporting education and media literacy
3.4. National examples of measures by CMOs
3.4.1. New emergency funds and grants
3.4.2. Relaxing requirements/deadlines and advancing support payment
3.4.3. Creating hotline assistance and FAQ
4. Industry-driven initiatives
4.1. Cross-sector initiatives
4.2. Film and TV production sector
4.3. Distribution
4.4. Exhibition
4.5. Film festivals and awards
4.6. VOD services
4.7. Broadcasting sector
4.7.1. Initiatives by public broadcasters
4.7.2. Initiatives by commercial broadcasters
4.8. Collective Management Organisations
5. Concluding remarks
FiguresFigure 1. Breakdown of the main area concerned per sector (in number of measures and as a percentage)
Figure 2. Breakdown of main type of measure per sector (in number of measures)
Figure 3. Breakdown of areas concerned per number of measures taken by governments/parliaments (in number of measures)
Figure 4. Breakdown of governmental and parliamentary measures by type of measures taken (in number of measures)
Figure 5. Breakdown of film agency measures by type of measures (in number of measures)
Figure 6. Relaxing requirements/deadlines measures - breakdown per area concerned (in number of measures and percentages)
Figure 7. Breakdown of NRA's measures per type of intervention (in number of measures)
Figure 8. Breakdown of NRA's measures per area concerned (per number of measures)
Figure 9. Breakdown of CMO's measures per type of measure