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PDF - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats - Texts adopted by the Standing Committee 2005-2008 (Nature and environment, No.154) (2009)
The Council of Europe's Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, or "Bern Convention", came into force on 1 June 1982. The aim of the Bern Convention is to conserve biodiversity through a regional pan-European framework extended to include the Mediterranean regions and Africa.This document contains the texts adopted between 2005 and 2008 by the Standing Committee of the convention, composed of representatives of the contracting parties, whose meetings are also attended by observers.The Standing Committee is responsible for following the application of the convention and can make recommendations to the contracting parties concerning measures to be taken for its implementation. The Standing Committee has also adopted several other texts.
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PDF - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats - Texts adopted by the Standing Committee 2005-2008 (Nature and environment, No.154)
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