The democratic management of diversity through education as a political aim of the Council of Europe and its member states
Diversity and inclusion - Challenges for teacher education
The complexity of diversity - Challenges for teacher education
Working with diversity in transnational contexts
Looking back, moving forward: the Council of Europe project on Policies and Practices for Teaching Sociocultural Diversity (2006-09) - Main results and lessons learnt
Case studies
First cluster of competences - Knowledge and understanding
Teaching history for reconciliation and tolerance in conflict and post-conflict situations
Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches (FREPA) to languages and cultures - A tool for dealing with diversity in schools
Quality of education from the perspective of diversity
Second cluster of competences - Communication and relationships
Constructing social problem categories - Children of the Second World War in post-war Norway and Germany
Diversity education and inclusion as the responsibility of a whole school - Innovative concepts and developments in German teacher education and school systems
Key challenges for Roma education
Third cluster of competences - Management and teaching
The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages in the promotion of diversity and inclusion
Social stratification in the classroom: challenges for teachers
Teaching history using sources in multicultural classes
Appendix: The Framework of Teacher Competences for Engaging with Diversity
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