Synthesis report
1. General remarks
2. Country reports
3. Conclusions
France - Exceptional entitlement to residence and return policy
1. Preamble
2. Definition and aims
3. Analysis of aspects of irregular immigration in France
4. Main features of the policy on exceptional entitlement to residence and assisted return
5. Impact of the policy on the influx of irregular migrants
6. Conclusions
7. Bibliographical references
Portugal - Exceptional grant of residence permits to irregular migrants
1. Executive summary
2. Short analysis of irregular migration in Portugal
3. Presentation of the main characteristics of the policy under evaluation
4. Evaluation of the impact of the specific policy on the irregular migration influx and irregular migrants
5. Summary of conclusions
6. Appendices
Poland - Return and regularisation procedures as possible responses to the phenomenon of irregular migration
1. Executive summary
2. Irregular migrants in Poland: brief overview
3. Policy responses to the irregular migration in Poland: return and regularisation measures
4. Evaluation of the impact that return and regularisation measures have on the irregular migrants in Poland
5. Summary of conclusions
6. References
7. Appendix
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