This publication considers the charter for Regional or Minority Languages from a legal perspective. It illustrates the charter ratification process in individual states, presents implementation case studies for some states parties, assesses the influence of this instrument on domestic law and the legal implications of non-compliance. Some papers also explore more general issues surrounding the charter, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a broad interpretation of the under¬takings of states parties and looking at the challenge of adapting this instrument to a changing society.
1. Language protection and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: quo vadis?
Fernand de Varennes
2. Definitively interpreting the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: the legal challenges
Robert Dunbar
3. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and the principle of non-discrimination
Jean-Marie Woehrling
4. The implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Spain
5. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: a judicial instrument or a political instrument - the case of Navarre
lulen Urbiola Loiarte
6. The Catalan language and monitoring the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Spain
Santiago-Jose Castella Surribas and Miquel Strubell
7. Challenges of applying the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages to a federal country: the Belgian example
Jean-Luc Fauconnier
8. Ukraine's long and winding road to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Bill Bowring and MyroslavaAntonovych
9. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and France: stocktaking and prospects for a ratification in abeyance. Discourse analysis and the configuration of the "doxa"
10. An opportunity avoided? The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and UK language policy
Wilson McLeod
11. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and the current legislative and policy contexts in the north of Ireland
Janet Muller
12. Chartering new territories in Welsh language judicial proceedings
Catrin Fflur Huws
13. Higher education and Article 8.1.e of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: ' a Welsh "opportunity avoided"?
Gwynedd Parry
This publication considers the charter for Regional or Minority Languages from a legal perspective. It illustrates the charter ratification process in individual states, presents implementation case studies for some states parties, assesses the influence of this instrument on domestic law and the legal implications of non-compliance. Some papers also explore more general issues surrounding the charter, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a broad interpretation of the under¬takings of states parties and looking at the challenge of adapting this instrument to a changing society.
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