Iris plus 2014-4 - The Influence of New Technologies on Copyright (2015)
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How do deposit systems safeguard film and video content in Europe?
- What are the European and national rules on depositing films and videos in the archives?
- What role do deposit systems play in protecting copyright?
- What challenges do digital formats raise for the deposit and preservation of films and videos?
This IRIS Plus report is the first joint publication of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) with the Intellectual Property Office of the European Union (EUIPO).
1. Setting the scene
1.1. Nature and role of deposit systems
1.1.1. The origins of deposit systems
1.1.2. The different types of deposit systems
1.1.3. New challenges related to the digital environment
1.2. Market considerations
1.2.1. The access to and distribution of heritage film works
1.2.2. Available data on infringement of copyright protected work
1.3. Methodology
1.3.1. Scope of the study
1.3.2. Data relating to deposit systems
2. International and European legal framework
2.1. Legal and voluntary deposit under international law
2.1.1. Legal deposit and copyright formalities
2.1.2. Legal and voluntary deposit for the preservation of the public domain
2.2. Legal and voluntary deposit systems under EU law
2.2.1. EU cultural audiovisual heritage policy
2.2.2. Absence of “IP enforcement” deposit system at EU level
3. National
3.1. Main findings from the stakeholder survey
3.1.1. Coexistence of a variety of deposit systems
3.1.2. Main features of the deposit systems
3.1.3. Main benefits and challenges of deposit systems
3.2. Country fact sheets
3.2.1. Belgium
3.2.2. France
3.2.3. Germany
3.2.4. Hungary
3.2.5. Italy
3.2.6. Lithuania
3.2.7. Luxembourg
3.2.8. The Netherlands
3.2.9. Portugal
3.2.10. Romania
3.2.11. Sweden
3.2.12. United Kingdom
3.3. Concluding remarks
4. Pan-European initiatives from the industry
4.1. Umbrella organisations in the preservation field
4.1.1. ICA
4.1.2. IASA
4.1.3. FIAF
4.1.4. FIAT/IFTA
4.1.5. ACE
4.2. Initiatives at international or European level
4.2.1. Copyright enforcement
5. Case law
5.1. Copyright infringement
5.1.1. Proof of ownership
5.1.2. Anteriority
5.1.3. Burden of proof
5.1.4. Metadata as proof
5.2. Preservation
5.2.1. Copyright exception for archives
6. State of play
6.1. Ongoing initiatives from the Council of Europe
6.2. Ongoing initiatives at EU level
6.2.1. The proposal of a new Copyright Directive
6.2.2. Absence of EU initiatives on “IP enforcement” deposit systems
7. Annexes
7.1. Overview: types of deposit systems in the countries concerned by the study (BE, DE, NL, LU, FR, PT)
7.2. Overview: types of deposit systems in the countries concerned by the study (IT, HU, LT, RO, SE, UK) 3
7.3. Joint Publication on Audiovisual Deposit Systems – Stakeholder Survey
How do deposit systems safeguard film and video content in Europe?
- What are the European and national rules on depositing films and videos in the archives?
- What role do deposit systems play in protecting copyright?
- What challenges do digital formats raise for the deposit and preservation of films and videos?
This IRIS Plus report is the first joint publication of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) with the Intellectual Property Office of the European Union (EUIPO).
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