Guidance on heritage assessment (2005)
- Exclusivité web !
Benefits and innovations of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
The philosophical, political and pragmatic roots of the convention
Unpacking the convention into challenging actions for member states
New heritage frontiers
Views of the Chair of the Faro Convention drafting group
The Faro Convention, an original tool for building and managing Europe's heritage
Why do countries ratify conventions? The case of Montenegro
The Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe - Declaration
The human right to the cultural heritage - The Faro Convention's contribution to the recognition and safeguarding of this human right
On the "right to heritage" - The innovative approach of Articles 1 and 2 of the Faro Convention
Article 4 of the convention
The social and spatial frameworks of heritage - What is new in the Faro Convention?
Europe - A constrained and fragmented space on the edge of the continental landmasses. Crossroad, battlefield and melting pot
Heritage and dialogue
Museums, cultural heritage and dialogue in Northern Ireland: strategies for divided societies
Heritage conservation as a driving force for development
Economics and the built cultural heritage
The cultural context of sustainability - Heritage and living
Creating new assets in the cultural heritage sphere
Can co-operation lastingly stabilise the heritage economy?
Heritage, public authorities, societies
Heritage partnerships - Promoting public involvement and understanding
"40xVenezia", an example of a heritage community applying the principles of the Faro Convention
Place-making and place-shaping
Communities of practice around tranquillity, calm and open space in Flanders
The Faro Convention and the information society
Integration of information technology in the daily practice of the cultural heritage professions - Articles 13, 14 and 17 of the Faro Convention
The MINERVA and MICHAEL networks
South-Eastern European Digitization Initiative, SEEDI
Pan-European co-operation: HEREIN, the Council of Europe information system on cultural heritage
Some fundamental elements of the legal framework governing cultural heritage protection in the information and knowledge society
Arnavutkoy and Sulukule: an interview and a case study
Interview with Mahmut Celebi, President, Association of Residents of Arnavutkoy
People from all over the world are campaigning in favour of Sulukule, Turkey's oldest Roma neighbourhood
Four interviews
St Petersburg: the ideal European city?
An interview with Professor Georges Nivat, University of Geneva
Diversity of frontier heritage: Terijoki/Zelenogorsk and Karelia
An interview with Jukka Marttinen, Vice-Chairperson of the Terijoki Club
Heritages on the Karelian Isthmus
An interview with Evgeni Balashov, from the association Karelia
Heritage and the Internet in Zelenogorsk (formerly Terijoki)
An interview with Alexander Bravo, creator of the website terijoki.spb.ru
The Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Heritage for Society
Photo insert
A peek at the future
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