Education to prevent racism - Interview with Lilian Thuram
General introduction - What do we mean when we speak of discrimination in sport?
Chapter 1 - Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Chapter 2 - Sports activities and sexual discrimination
Local sport policies and young residents of suburban neighbourhoods: a marked lack of interest among women and girls
Gender in ice hockey: women in male territory
Accessing PE and sports for girls with low educational achievement
Reasons why girls refuse to take part in sport
Chapter 3 - Social deficiencies and difficulties: what sports facilities are needed?
Sport in the welfare system. Sport courses for persons in receipt of the minimum income benefit: between supervision of compliance and support for negotiation relating to identity
Italian sports policies and disability: a synoptic analysis
Integration through sport of people with disabilities in Germany: impact and prospects for improvement
The inclusion of children with a disability in out-of-school sports activities - An assessment of the Finnish programme
Chapter 4 - The "ethnic minorities" test for sport policies
Single-community football clubs and Turkish immigration into France and Germany
Multiculturalism and sport in Madrid - A means of integration
The involvement of young women of Arab-Muslim culture in university courses in physical education (PE) and sport.
A comparative study of female students' exercise habits in France and Tunisia
Conclusion - The sport test for "social integration"
Overall conclusion
The social dimension of sports clubs: building networks of sports partners against discrimination
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